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TOP Machinery is aim to  protect your privacy and will process your personal data only in accordance  with relevant data protection legislation and good data processing practice.

We collect and use  your personal data (e.g. your name, email address, phone number ) to provide  you with our machine and to enhance and personalize your customer experience.

In this Privacy  Policy, we will tell you about TOP's personal data processing in general and  provide information on how we use personal data about you.

What kind of  information do we collect about you?

We primarily collect  personal data directly from you. The types of personal data we collect on you  typically include information such as:

How do we use the information about you?

How do we use information on you depends on why the information was originally collected. In general, we tend to use your personal data especially for the following purposes: 

Do we share information on you to others?

In order to protect your privacy, we require that all our service keep the personal data confidential and adequately secure. As TOP is a company with affiliates and service all over the world, we will always look after your data safety by ensuring that there is a legal basis.

How do we protect information on  you?

TOP uses robust measures to protect the personal data it holds. These measures include guidelines, procedures and protections meant to limit third party access to the data, but also measures taken in order to limit our own personnel's and service providers' access to data they do not need in their tasks.